Guoshun group held a special meeting on operation in 2022

2022/06/10 14:21

Recently, the 2022 business conference of the group with the theme of "upholding the integrity and expanding the new, striving for the future" was held in the publicity and education center on the 8th floor of the headquarters. The whole group gathered together to discuss new ideas for the development of the company's long-term operation, innovative operation and future operation under the new industry ecology. Lvhewu, Secretary of the general Party branch of Guoshun group, sundeshan, executive director, yangfengling, assistant to the chairman of the board, as well as leaders of various functional departments and all marketing teams of subsidiaries and branches of the group attended the meeting online and offline, with a total of more than 40 people. The meeting was chaired by Minister Wang Xin.


Summary report on environmental protection market work


Fanxianping, general manager of the operation and management department, made a summary of the market operation work and direction guidance, made a phased summary of the current completed operation results of each sub unit, required to be steady and accumulate a little, re analyzed the market stock and operation objectives in combination with the new market environment, and further elaborated on the specific operation and management measures.

At the meeting, lushengtao, deputy general manager of Lvjian technology, explained the favorable factors of the green prefabricated building policy and the current problems faced by the industry; With the construction of Guoshun "industrial steel structure zero carbon demonstration park" as the driving force, the construction of a new supply chain platform as the support, the "investment + industrial incubation + group mature industrial manufacturing" as the guarantee, and the construction of a new industrial park, we will comprehensively enhance the impact of green construction technology.


In the current epidemic situation, crises coexist and opportunities are nurtured. Secretary lvhewu of the general Party branch of Guoshun group is farsighted and coordinated to lay out the target positioning, direction and platform management for the market operation in the extraordinary period. Secretary Lu pointed out that market operation is the leader of all work of the enterprise and an important support related to the rapid development and sustainable development of the company. As the "elite" in the market, operators should tell the story of Guoshun, spread Guoshun culture, always implement the family cooperation concept of "making customers more satisfied and employees more happy" and treat cooperative customers sincerely. At the same time, new requirements are put forward for the "leading geese" of battle command. The middle and senior leaders of the company should not only have broad shoulders to play, but also have real skills to accomplish things. They should be "ants on the hot pot" for several times and "hot potato" for several times, so as to truly turn the "construction drawing" into a "real picture". Finally, from the perspective of the company's development status, cadres' growth mentality and employees' work attitude, Secretary Lu asked employees to be kind to others, thrifty and diligent, establish correct "Three Outlooks", improve their personal conduct, and purify themselves and others at the same time.

In extraordinary times, the whole group must abide by the instructions of secretary Lu, live up to the great trust, work harder, be more economical, thoughtful, cautious, persistent, develop their strengths, change themselves, tell each other more, feel the party's kindness, listen to the party's words, and follow the party. Only in this way can we see the sun through the clouds and take off in adversity!