Welcome the 2022nd "young seedlings employees"

2022/07/22 08:20

On June 30, 2022, nearly 40 new employees came to the group headquarters to jointly participate in the 2022 youth plan growth training camp of Guoshun group for a period of 10 days. This training program aims to help young employees quickly adapt to the working environment, integrate into the corporate culture, improve their professional quality, consolidate their professional ability, and be competent for the job requirements, so as to grow from an excellent campus person to an excellent Guoshun person who "can do things, can do things, and do things" as soon as possible.


At the beginning of the ceremony, the participating leaders and more than 40 young employees watched the promotional film of Guoshun group together, which strengthened the new employees' cognition and understanding of the company.


Guo Yan, the Vice Minister of human resources, first delivered a welcome speech, and then the young employees took the stage one by one to make a wonderful personal introduction and show their team style, showing the vigorous and enterprising youth style of the young people.

Secretary Lu put forward the ardent expectation of "finding yourself, knowing yourself and planning yourself" to the young employees, and encouraged them to be excellent employees who are good at "empowering others and empowering society".


Sun Deshan, the executive director, introduced in detail the development history and industrial status of the company, expressed his ardent expectation for the young employees, and put forward five requirements of "responsibility, self-esteem and self love, rooted at the grass-roots level, diligent study and reflection, and self-management".

Song Jialiang, director of the group office, made a profound comment on the elegant demeanor display of the young employees, and hoped that everyone could "be attentive and focused" and bravely meet the new journey and challenges that are about to start.

After the meeting, the leaders attending the meeting took a solemn oath with the young employees. With the solemn oath and the majestic momentum, the young employees held their heads high and officially became a quasi "Guoshun people".


After the meeting, the leaders attending the meeting took a solemn oath with the young employees. With the solemn oath and the majestic momentum, the young employees held their heads high and officially became a quasi "Guoshun people".

 Expand training, sharpen will, and young employees surpass themselves

During the military training, the young employees honed their will, strengthened their team spirit, cultivated the good quality of hard work, and completed the magnificent transformation from green school students to workplace people in the military camp by learning military training projects such as queue movements, enemy catching fists, sign language exercises, etc. in the inclement weather of high temperature and heat.

During the training camp, the group's expert lecturer team conducted a three-day pre job training from the four dimensions of corporate culture, career planning, safety awareness and legal concepts. Strengthen the awareness of safety laws, help young employees quickly integrate into the corporate culture, understand core businesses, and establish a healthy career outlook, so as to lay a solid foundation for the career path that we are about to start.


On July 9, the military training and business training officially came to an end. At the closing ceremony, the young employees presented a wonderful military training report performance with a neat queue and high morale, marking a successful end to the 2022 young plan growth training camp. Subsequently, song Jialiang, director of the group office, and Guo Yan, deputy director of the human resources department, issued work safety certificates to all young employees. Sun Deshan, executive director, and Feng Chao, deputy general manager of the group, recognized the training results and business training, and encouraged everyone to be a striver in the new era, grasp the pulse of the times, and set the "permanent struggle" as the general tone of life!


A few days ago, the 2022 young employees of Guoshun group have been assigned to their posts, successfully opening a brilliant new chapter in Guoshun! May everyone in Guoshun's family cultivate the spirit of struggle, be firm in ideals, persistent in beliefs, be not afraid of difficulties, and have the courage to explore. Happiness comes from struggle. Struggle itself is a kind of happiness, and let struggle become the brightest background of youth!
