Steel Structure Prefabricated House

Compared with other structural forms of residential buildings, steel structure residence is a structural form most in line with the concept of "green building". Because steel structure is most suitable for factory production, the design, production, construction and installation of steel structure residence can be integrated through BM platform, changing "on-site construction" to "factory manufacturing", so as to improve the industrialization and commercialization level of residence. At the same time, the steel structure residence has light weight, low foundation cost, convenient construction and installation, shortens the construction cycle, realizes on-site dry operation, reduces environmental pollution, and the materials can also be recycled, which is in line with the environmental protection policy advocated by the state. Insiders are generally optimistic that the pot structure construction system is the best concatenator who can build the real estate industry, construction industry and financial industry into a new industrial chain. The use of steel structure in residential buildings can make the construction progress not affected by the season, increase the building use area, reduce the construction waste and environmental pollution caused by wet operation of other structural systems, and can be recycled, and promote the development of new building materials. At the same time, due to the advantages of good seismic performance of steel structure system, flexible and convenient structure layout, easy transformation in the process of use and comfort, steel structure residence is deeply loved by the majority of users and has a wide market application prospect.

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