Australia Browns Plains Bus Station

2022/05/28 08:44

Browns Plains Bus Station


This project located in Australia Browns Plains and adjoining the Grand Plaza shopping aimed to:

Provide more passenger waiting space.

Provide new fully sheltered platforms with comfortable seating, security cameras and lighting.

Improve pedestrian and cyclist connectivity between the bus station, the shopping centre and Browns Plains Road.

Improve accessibility for all customers and ensure compliance with disability access standards.

Introduce a designated kiss 'n' ride area to drop-off and pick-up passengers.

Introduce bicycle storage facilities.


A particularly challenging aspect of the contract involved the management and coordination of public utilities and service providers. An unknown existing gas main, together with Energex cables and an Optus fibre optic cable, ran through the centre of one of the new bus indents. This necessitated the re-design of several elements of the work and the reprogramming of a number of operations in order to mitigate delays to the project. Furthermore, due to the location of the project, working space was at a premium and operations required careful coordination and separation to ensure a safe working environment.
