Completion of steel beam hoisting of banderi railway overpass bridge in tanzanda BRT project

2022/06/25 08:53

A few days ago, the steel beam hoisting construction of Bandri railway overpass bridge was completed for the bid section 1 project of phase II BRT project in Tashi, Tanzania.

The upper part of the overpass is composed of steel structure I-beams and reinforced concrete bridge deck, which are spliced by 126 I-steel beams, with a total length of 80m. The project department makes overall planning, formulates special construction scheme, calculates the input quantity of personnel, equipment, materials and other resources in detail, carefully organizes and reasonably arranges the construction of each process, and carries out safety training and technical safety disclosure for operators in terms of steel beam transportation, hoisting safety and quality, so as to ensure the safety and efficiency of hoisting work. During the construction, the safe and civilized construction rules shall be practically implemented, and the hoisting construction shall be completed with quality and quantity guaranteed.

The successful hoisting of the steel beam is an important construction node of the project department, which will effectively promote the overall construction progress of the project. In the next step, the project department will speed up the on-site construction progress and achieve the set milestone construction period goal while ensuring the correct combination of epidemic prevention and control and safe production.