Guoshun group carries out research work

2022/06/10 17:25

On the afternoon of May 13, 2022, dailongcheng, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Municipal Committee, director of the publicity department, Secretary of the Education Working Committee of the CPC Municipal Committee, and other leaders visited Guoshun group to carry out research. Xiaohui, Secretary of the district Party committee, wangshiqiang, deputy secretary of the district Party committee and head of the District, libaiquan, Deputy Secretary General of Jinan municipal government and director of the University Town Management Committee, leaders of the Publicity Department of the district Party committee, the district education and Sports Bureau, the district culture and Tourism Bureau and other relevant departments, lvhewu, Secretary of the general Party branch of Guoshun group and other relevant leaders accompanied the investigation.



Minister dailongcheng and his delegation visited the prefabricated office building, intelligent chemical plant and remote control center of Guoshun group, inspected the production and operation of the enterprise on the spot, and listened in detail to the construction and demonstration effect of the major project "Guoshun green construction low carbon demonstration Industrial Park" in Shandong Province.


Lvhewu, Secretary of the general Party branch of Guoshun group, and Minister Dai had an exchange and Discussion on the development characteristics and challenges of industrialized steel structure buildings. Finally, Mr. Dai expressed his ardent expectation and encouragement for the future development of Guoshun group!