Banderi steel frame bridge

1. Great crossing ability

2. Most suitable for non industrial manufacturing

3. Easy to transport

4. Fast installation speed

5. Steel bridge components are easy to repair and replace

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61d35e0b5b04a15fff18505c326c5f7.jpg3d58e4333097619c76b43397fd68306.jpga384b002a6e5b9e4cbef957d289dac0.jpg    Steel frame bridge is a bridge whose main bearing structure is steel, i.e. steel structure bridge and steel bridge. Fabricated steel bridges have been widely used all over the world. The original fabricated steel bridge was designed by the British engineer Donald Bailey at the beginning of the Second World War in 1938. The main design concept is to assemble the assembled steel bridge with the least types of unit members, which can bear various loads and different spans, and only need to be transported by ordinary medium-sized trucks. Under special circumstances, it can be built by manpower.

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